Sunday, April 4, 2010

Slow Start. But made Good Time

Well we finally made it out of the city by 11 this morning. We made a few stops for food and gas but nothing spectacular.  Blew through Vegas and 2 hours later we made it to our little shady pitch black motel in Overton, NV.  I'm hoping it turns beautiful when the suns out. But to be honest it could go either way, most likely disturbing.

Any way, Olive warmed up nice to the trip, eventually making it out of her cave to hang with us.  Rod just laid down and stared out the window.

Lin did great! Just a few bathroom stops but, nothing crazy.

Enjoy the photos, more to come.

Damien Pileggi
La Colombe Torrefaction
1074 Illinois Street
San Francisco, CA 94107


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